02 January 2011

Bad Roads...

Seems the old adage "bad roads bring good people..." works both ways. On our recent travels looking for adventure at the tail end of Centro America we encountered nothing but brazos abiertos from the rural people. A healthy dose of curiosity and warm smiles paved our way to the Pacific over hours of bumpy road and creek bottom. We shared this local collectivo with a weed wacker, a dog in a bag, and eighteen hearty locals.


Anonymous said...

Why was the dog in a bag? Was it vicious?


turtle said...

Gaz, as best as my Spanish allowed... The guy just bought the dog in town for hunting. Hunting at night w/ dogs is a popular activity in the campo around here. Not being acquainted with his new owner, he was tied up in a rice sack to his neck so he wouldn't jump out the back of the truck I suppose. And sweet as could be, considering the circumstance.

Gaz said...

It's an interesting image, not the way Petsmart does it tho....:-)