22 August 2012

Never Waxed, Never Ridden

 A few weeks back, visiting friends deep in the state of Jefferson, i noticed a dusty old board sock in the barn while feeding their pigs. I had to look....and there she was. An unridden, unwaxed, bright yellow, and hot pink 84' Stussy. Number "1105" to be exactTurns out my friend's wife got this board for her 14th birthday! Being from Laguna, her dad took her to Stussy's shop to have  a custom board made. Fortunately for the story, she didn't surf and never did...played volleyball though, girl"s got game...and a cherry piece of surf history.


Gaz said...

That should be ridden!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Rad. We have to get her to let us take that for a spin.