21 October 2009

Pining for a PNW fall

Every once in a while I'll get an intense sense of nostalgia. A yearning for another time and place that has been relegated to the depths of my memory banks (for the time being). I'm not sure what set me off this time. Maybe it's the surf updates from friends, or perhaps it's simply the landlocked predicament I find myself in for the next 6 months. Regardless I have to re-divert my stoke-lessness into something positive and constructive to keep me sane.

I recently rediscovered the Lo-Fi Photo scene, something I have admittedly lost touch with since my days making and using pinhole cameras in art school some years back (read: pre-digital era). The feelings that the less than crisp lo-fi images evoke are often dreamy and nostalgic, feelings I can relate too. I shot the images above with a digital point and shoot on the north coast last fall. However, for me, they have a similar effect.

1 comment:

Foul Pete said...

Nice work. Dig the middle one especially.